Advanced Hand & Wrist Cadaveric Dissection Course
16th - 17th September 2024
Registration is open
Aimed at senior trainees and consultants in Plastics and Orthopaedics.
Faculty : participant ratio is 1:2 with practical sessions using fresh frozen upper limbs. You will have the opportunity to perform all the operations yourselves with faculty guidance. Places are limited to 20 and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Course fee: £1,250
This includes the course dinner, lunch and refreshments.

Advanced Hand & Wrist Course
Topics to be covered:
Nerve Decompression: ulnar, median/AIN, radial/PIN
AIN to ulnar nerve transfer
Tendon transfers for median, ulnar and radial nerve palsy
Approaches to the wrist
Scaphoid fixation, bone grafting
Scapholunate ligament reconstruction
Proximal Row Carpectomy, scaphoidectomy 4 corner fusion
MCPJ realignment and replacement (silicone)
Correction of swan neck and Boutonnière deformities
IPJ fusions (CCS) and arthroplasty (Capflex PIP, hemihamate)
Extensor tendon reconstruction and transfers
Trapeziectomy, 1st CMCJ arthroplasty (Maia)
Upper limb flap reconstruction

Course Directors



Mercian Hand Set

Mini C Arm